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Author Instructions

1. The submissions should contain original, high quality, not submitted or published elsewhere work.

2. Manuscripts must be written in English.

3. Papers should be submitted electronically in pdf format according to the paper template and should be 4-10 pages including all figures, tables, and references.

4. If the paper is more than 5 pages, additional pages will be charged (50 USD per page).


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Important Dates

Submission Deadline (Full Paper & Abstract)

  November 20th, 2024

Notification Date (Full Paper & Abstract)

  December 20th, 2024

Registration Deadline

  January 10th, 2025

Conference Dates

  April 9th-11th, 2025

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Submission Method

Full paper should be prepared according to the following template:

Paper Template (word format)

Paper Template (Latex)

For those who want to do presentation only without paper publication, abstract should be prepared according to the following template:

Abstract Template

Online Submission Link

1. Electronic Submission System

2. Conference Email:

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AIRC Policy

All submitted articles should report original, previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical. Articles submitted to the conference should meet these criteria and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the most essential virtual of any academic. Hence any act of plagiarism is a totally unacceptable academic misconduct and cannot be tolerated.

All papers are reviewed using a single-blind review process: authors declare their names and affiliations in the manuscript for the reviewers to see, but reviewers do not know each other's identities, nor do the authors receive information about who has reviewed their manuscript.